Our current research projects

The research group addresses the following four topics:

Positive and
consequences of work stress

We investigate to what extent and for how long stressors such as time pressure, high concentration requirements, etc. motivate us and under what circumstances we suffer from them.

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Organizational change and change management

Organizational change is part of every workplace nowadays. We examine the conditions under which organizational change efforts are successful.

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Work-related use of information and communication technologies

Dank mobiler Endgeräte können wir heute immer und überall erreichbar sein. Wir wollen herausfinden, welche Aspekte der Erreichbarkeit und Geräte-Nutzung uns stressen und welche uns nützen.

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Service work and emotional labor

Serice employees have to cope with specific job demands, as their job is characterized by interactions with customers. We examine the antecedents and consequences of these requirements.

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